To the multitude (few) who have tagged me for weeks and I have not responded. Here are my 25 random nuggets.
1. I am almost compulsive about checking my e-mail, facebook, and blog for updates.
2. Working the graveyard shift has been a really interesting part of my life which I'm sure I'll tell people about when I'm in my middle or late life about how I worked like an alien to support my family, as any husband/wife should (if required and able to do so).
3. I type the way that I write which can be very sporatic and tangential. This lends itself to many grammatical fallacies in my writing as punctuation becomes pragmatic.
4. My wife and I are thinking about moving to the Portland or Seattle region.
5. I love to read but never do. I hope to remedy this upon the completion of school.
6. I graduated Summa Cum Laude from High School but will graduate with my Master's by the skin of my teeth. It's not the intelligence that holds me back, but definitely the discipline.
7. I love test taking. I loving giving presentations. I hate writing papers.
8. I have zero healthy and trusting male friendships in the state of Mississippi and my heart longs for it.
9. I love eating all greens except for cooked spinach.
10. Movies, arugably, help me reflect on life/my life and spirituality/my spirituality more than any other medium excluding human contact.
11. I am quite sure that Sarah and I will live overseas for some part of our lives.
12. My wedding day was the most peaceful day of my life.
13. I have been fearful of the rapture my entire life, and still struggle with that today; although it is much better than it once was.
14. I had no idea how much I struggled with envy until recently.
15. A few of our stray dogs' names, from when I was a kid, were: Dixie and Tracker (our beagles), Skipper, Black Mama, Red Man, and Atax (whom my sister gave bubble gum and cigarettes).
16. Suicide used to be a very real temptation for me, but is not so much anymore.
17. As I am less than one semester away from having my master's degree, I am thinking I would enjoy a technical job like being a mechanic or painter.
18. Infomericals hit me at a very soft spot. Oh man, I can not COUNT how many infomercial products I want....Debbie's green bags, P90X, 10 Minute Workout, JACK LALANE'S POWER JUICER, Mighty Putty, Sham-Wow, etc. Seriously, it's a problem. Not to mention that Target now has an "As Seen on TV" section now. Ugh.
19. I wanted to be on Star Search when I was a little boy.
20. My family frequently informs me of how horrible a singer I was as a child, but had incredible gusto for it. It took a LOT of hard work to get me where I am today.
21. I think I judge music ministers more than anyone else in the church. Just being honest. Our interim one looks like a game show host, but only when he's leading worship.
22. My Dad died when I was 15 and though I'm through with much of the grief process. I miss him and his dysfunction greatly, and feel his absence very strongly in my life.
23. I own several guilty pleasure movies of which I will only list the titles of two: Steel Magnolias and A League of Their Own.
24. Rogue is my favorite X-Man from the 1990s animated series. She BLEW in the movies though.
25. Hmm, this should be a good one, I got "saved" like 5 times before it really counted in 2002.
Well, I feel like I missed some of the randomness so I'll throw in a few extras:
(1) Rebecca St. James and Alanis Morisette hold very special places in my heart. honestly.
(2) I hate Mississippi.
(3) My name means "From the Land of Victory"
(4) I am plagued by the desire to be great at something, but am certain that I will likely only reach good at many things (due to the Lord's control) to keep my flesh from pride in myself. My flesh still desires the greatness though.
(5) Garden State moves me every time.
(6) Florabama will always hold part of my heart.
(7) I plan to buy "football for dummies" in the not too distant future to better fit in with society and Mississippi.
(8) I hate bottled beers, but I like beer on tap. *correction on 10/9/12: Stella Artois is beauty in a bottle.*
(9) Cheese from Dollar General tastes and feels like plastic.
(10) If I could have any mutant powers, I would want those of Beast - superhuman intelligence, superhuman strength, and agility. I would give up the virility gene giving me immense hair and blue skin though. I bet I'd keep trendy, nerdy glasses though.
Well, I think I'll stop there. Peace.